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Joint Replacement

Experience the Most Effective Joint Replacement Surgery at Eshan Hospital

If you’re experiencing chronic joint pain, you may be wondering if joint replacement surgery is right for you. Additionally, joint pain and limited mobility can severely impact a person’s quality of life.

The skilled orthopaedic surgeons and caring medical personnel at Eshan Hospital are dedicated to guiding you towards the treatment option that will improve your health and enhance your quality of life. Moreover, our team is committed to providing personalized care to ensure the best possible outcomes for your well-being.

Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery At Eshan Hospital
Joint pain and stiffness can severely impact your mobility and quality of life. If you’ve been experiencing these symptoms, it may be time to consider joint replacement surgery.

Understanding Joint Replacement Surgery

The process of joint replacement surgery includes the removal of damaged or diseased joint parts, which are then replaced with a new, artificial joint. While hips and knees are the most commonly replaced joints, it’s important to highlight that other joints, like the shoulder, elbow, and ankle, can also undergo replacement procedures.

The surgical process commences with the surgeon creating an incision, proceeding to extract the impaired joint and substituting it with a prosthetic joint. Noteworthy is the option to employ minimally invasive techniques during this surgery, leading to diminished pain, scarring, and a shorter overall recovery period.

When to Consider Joint Replacement Surgery

If your attempts with non-invasive solutions, such as physical therapy, medication, or lifestyle adjustments, haven’t eased your pain or improved your mobility, joint replacement surgery might be the next step. Moreover, severe damage from arthritis, injury, or disease could also make joint replacement a viable option. Keep an eye out for the following signs that it might be time to explore joint replacement surgery:
  • Severe pain that limits your ability to perform daily activities or participate in the activities you enjoy
  • Chronic joint inflammation or swelling
  • Joint stiffness that makes it difficult to move or bend the affected joint
  • A decrease in range of motion in the affected joint
  • A joint deformity, such as a bowing knee or crooked finger

Joint Replacement Surgeons at Eshan Hospital

Taking pride in our devoted team of highly skilled and experienced joint replacement surgeons, all dedicated to providing optimal care to our patients. Notable members of this team include Dr. Simon Thomas and Dr. Fahad Bin Hamid, both possessing extensive expertise in the field of joint replacement surgeries.

Dr Simon Thomas

Dr Simon Thomas is a senior orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon with several years of experience in the field. He completed his MBBS and DNB in Orthopedics from reputed institutions in India and went on to pursue his MCh in Orthopedics. He has also completed fellowships in Geriatric Orthopedics and Joint Replacement from Germany and is a certified AO fellow. Dr Thomas has a keen interest in joint replacement surgeries and has successfully performed numerous complex procedures over the years.

Dr Fahad Bin Hamid

Dr. Fahad Bin Hamid, another proficient figure in the realm of orthopedics and joint replacement surgery, holds credentials from leading medical colleges in India, including a completion of D Ortho and DNB in Orthopedics. Further enhancing his expertise, he successfully underwent a fellowship in Arthroscopic and Sports Injury at a distinguished institute. Dr. Hamid is adept in incorporating the latest techniques and technologies in joint replacement surgery, consistently achieving excellent outcomes while successfully treating numerous patients.

The joint replacement specialists at Eshan Hospital take a customized approach to care for each patient. Working together, our experts and patients develop individualized treatment plans to address specific needs and goals. With compassion and expertise, our dedicated team aims to help patients recover quickly and completely, restoring their quality of life and ability to enjoy daily activities again. We are committed to empowering our patients through exceptional joint replacement outcomes.

Why Choose Eshan Hospital For Joint Replacement Surgery

Choosing the right hospital for joint replacement surgery is crucial, and Eshan Hospital should be your top choice. Here’s why:

  • Furthermore, Eshan Hospital employs advanced Robotic Techniques for Joint Replacement surgery, ensuring precise and accurate results with minimal incisions and faster recovery time.
  • Moreover, the hospital is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), a testament to its high standards of patient care, safety, and quality management.
  • Our skilled Joint Replacement team, led by experts Dr. Simon Thomas and Dr. Fahad Bin Hamid, transforms lives by restoring mobility and improving quality of life for every patient.
  • The hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including advanced imaging technology, rehabilitation and physiotherapy services, and round-the-clock nursing care.
  • With a patient-first philosophy, Eshan Hospital delivers customized care attentively tailored to each person’s unique needs and situation for an optimal, stress-free experience.
  • Known for outstanding results and satisfied patients, Eshan Hospital is a trusted destination for Joint Replacement surgery that transforms lives.

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+91- 9837041574

Awards & Accolades

Dr Simon Thomas Awards & Accolades
Dr Simon Thomas Awards & Accolades

Dr Simon Thomas

dr. simon thomas joint replacement
dr. simon thomas joint replacement

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